Thursday, July 16, 2020

I just read this over on Chronicled Scribblings of the Itinerant Overlord and it struck a nerve with me today.

"Most DMs simply do not have time to tend their creative garden well.  Life calls with more urgency and frequency.  So they buy, and buy, and buy some more.  DMs read for inspiration; isolated players often read for the daydream of games not found and characters not played.  The hobby pulls so strongly on unmet or unmeetable desires of our subconscious that, even if only vicariously, consumption of its offerings takes precedent as much as our bank accounts allow."

Monday, July 6, 2020

Time for something a little different

I've been thinking a lot about the time I actually spend gaming lately. My usual group has been playing pathfinder in various modules and AP's (though never finishing an AP) for a couple of years with the occasional dip in to something like Dungeon Crawl Classics (due to my poking and prodding). 

Being honest with myself I'm sick to death of running and preparing for pathfinder games. Its too much work, too many rules, too much optimization, and too slow. I've been enamored with OSR games lately and have been dying to get more involved in one of those systems. My group however seems pretty happy where they are. That's fine! Everyone should play the game they want to play! I'm not about to system shame anyone, i'm speaking solely of my own personal preference. No one anywhere has to give a shit about what I think or prefer! 

I'll still happily sit down and play Pathfinder with those guys any time they want to! I love that group and I love hanging out with them. I just don't want to GM it anymore, at least not for a while. XCrawl could tempt me back to Pathfinder though, that looks fun to run..

So it seems i'm left to either explore Solo-RPG's which, I have a little and have had some fun with them. I prefer a social experience though and would really love to get around a table and throw some dice. Well, COVID-19....

Online gaming has been kind of fun. I've played several Pathfinder sessions and run a Crawling Under a Broken Moon funnel. Once the kinks were worked out we had a good time. So an online game then. 

An OSR online game with new people. I'm thinking I'll either run DCC or MÖRK BORG  .
I'm looking for a system that someone totally new to RPG's can learn in a night and something with a lot of character. I want it to stand out from any typical D&D or Pathfinder type game on its own merit before I start getting my hands into it. 

DCC is great for this, the funnels are a perfect introduction to the way the game plays and make you really love your character (when and if they survive). The setting lends itself to a little more of a "Gonzo" kind of game (expect to see wizards with laser guns, etc.)

Mork Borg is a really rules light system that would be super easy to teach and the game mechanics are so cool. Its a super dark setting, which is fine by me, and totally cool as long as everyone knows that going into it. 

That's where I'm at. I started a Discord server for it and posted in there hoping to start a discussion about what to play. Now I just need some more people to show up and want to game...

                                                                            best lich ever